One of Many Baby Photos from This Website
The picture above shares something in common with all the other photographs on this post. They were all taken with a Nikon, and were posted to the Internet with their digital image naming convention intact; that is, they are all named dscn0281.jpg.
The picture above shares something in common with all the other photographs on this post. They were all taken with a Nikon, and were posted to the Internet with their digital image naming convention intact; that is, they are all named dscn0281.jpg.
Sylvère Lotringer
I've been meaning to post the Paul Brach Memorial Visiting Artist Lecture Series with the famous cryptic posters and infamous gallery opening night parties that follow. Lectures take place at CalArts room F200 on Thursdays at 7:00 PM.
I've been meaning to post the Paul Brach Memorial Visiting Artist Lecture Series with the famous cryptic posters and infamous gallery opening night parties that follow. Lectures take place at CalArts room F200 on Thursdays at 7:00 PM.
A Day in LA: Washington Boulevard Art Concert will take place Sunday, October 11, 2009 from noon until about six pm.
Yesterday: Kaari Upson
Jeffrey Vallance's Brown Wall at Home
As with Foulkes, Jeffrey Vallance’s best work emerges when his personal life bumps up against the social and political, as it does when faux naïve correspondence and elaborate plans bring him face-to-face with various heads of state.
Jeffrey Vallance's Brown Wall at Home
As with Foulkes, Jeffrey Vallance’s best work emerges when his personal life bumps up against the social and political, as it does when faux naïve correspondence and elaborate plans bring him face-to-face with various heads of state.
Pushing at the edges of its history of exhibiting California Plein Air Painting, The Outsiders at the Irvine Museum depicts the first influences of European art on California’s art scene.
Freiheit statt Angst (Freedom Not Fear) Action in Berlin, September 12, 2009
As a follow-up to my previous post on The New Normal, I thought I'd post some links to yesterday's demonstration in Berlin, which isn't getting much media coverage in the United States, though there are images on line.
As a follow-up to my previous post on The New Normal, I thought I'd post some links to yesterday's demonstration in Berlin, which isn't getting much media coverage in the United States, though there are images on line.